The continent in which the five cities reside is in the (rough) shape of a diamond. The continent is initially called: Noble Land. Noble Land is covered mostly by forest. There is a desert (Noble Desert) located in the western area. Surrounding the continent is a seemingly endless ocean named Noble Ocean. Those who have traversed into the waters have never returned. There is an island (Noble Island) located a few miles south of Noble Land.
The City of Eden is located near the northern point of Noble Land. It is surrounded by a large stone wall which is surrounded by mostly lush forest. There is a large path that leads to Sage Mountain from Eden.
Sage Mountain is located exactly in the center of Noble Land. It's so tall and massive that it goes on into the clouds. To travel around it would take two days at the very least.
Tsuchi is found on the eastern bottom of Sage Mountain. There is a small path leading straight towards Regius City.
Regius City was founded at the eastern tip of the Noble Land. There is a tunnel in the very center of the city leading towards Povum.
Povum is an underground city found in a large cavern beneath Regius city. On the southern side of the village is a vast wasteland filled with darkness and vile creatures. Nobody knows how long it goes on, but no one dares to find out. The rest of the city is surround by rock. Near the northern side is a tunnel leading towards the City of Eden.
Teno is located at the southern tip of Noble Land. There are paths leading Sage Mountain and Regius City.